Frequently asked questions

How do I offer a ride?

Click the "Create a new ride request" button on the home page and select "Driver" as your role. Then fill in the route, schedule and other information. Click the "Check" button and if the ride request looks the way you want, click the "Publish" button so that it is visible to others. If you have selected in the service settings that your contact information is displayed, they can request a ride from you by calling or sending an email. Otherwise, they can request a ride from you by clicking the "Contact" button, which will send you a suggestion and their contact information by email and you can call or send an email yourself. 

You can also browse ride requests and if the request has a picture of the passenger, you can see if the route is along your own journey and open the ride request. If you see the contact information of the person who posted it, you can offer a ride by calling or sending an email. Otherwise, you can ask if they are interested in a ride by pressing the "Contact" button, which will send your suggestion and contact information to the advertiser's email, and they can call or email you.

Even if you are not logged in, you can still browse ride postings. If a user has made their contact information public, you can see it by opening the ride posting, and you can contact them outside of the service.

How do I request a ride?

Click the "Create a new ride request" button on the home page and select "Passenger" as your role. Then fill in the route, schedule and other information. Click the "Check" button and if the ride request looks the way you want, click the "Publish" button so that it is visible to others. If you have selected in the service settings that your contact information is displayed, they can offer you a ride by calling or sending an email. Otherwise, they can ask if you are interested in a ride by clicking the "Contact" button, in which case you will receive a proposal and their contact information by email and you can call or send an email yourself.

You can also browse ride requests and if the request has a picture of a car, you can see if its route passes your own route and open the ride request. If you see the contact information of the person who sent the request, you can request a ride by calling or sending an email. Otherwise, you can ask him for a ride by pressing the "Contact" button, which will send your suggestion and contact information to the advertiser's email, and he can call or email you.

Even if you are not logged in, you can still browse ride postings. If a user has made their contact information public, you can see it by opening the ride posting, and you can contact them outside of the service.

How do I change or delete a ride request?

You can edit or delete a ride notification from the "My Notifications" menu. If you have already agreed to a ride with someone, let them know (see "What if I can't make the agreed ride?" below). You can also deactivate a ride notification so that it is not visible to other users, and you don't have to delete it.

How do I make an agreed-upon ride?

The route and schedule information in the ride postings are estimates, so it is a good idea to agree on the exact places and times for boarding and disembarking over the phone. At the same time, you can talk about other things that are good to take into account, such as possible allergies or carpooling for the return trip as well. You can also agree whether, for example, the driver will notify you by text message when he or she is leaving, so that the passenger can estimate the arrival time.

We recommend that the passenger be at the agreed location well in advance and take care of paying any fuel costs according to the announcement when boarding. This way, it will not be forgotten and will not be a bother during the ride. Otherwise, it is polite not to ask the driver to make too much extra effort from his or her normal driving route.

What if I can't make the agreed-upon ride?

You should call your ride partner about cancellations and changes.

If you were supposed to be a passenger in someone else's ride and you have to cancel the ride, it is important that you call the driver before he or she sets off, because you may not be able to talk while driving. In this case, he or she can drive his or her normal route. A change to the agreed-upon schedule for the ride may also cause the need to cancel the ride if the driver cannot be flexible with his or her own schedule.

If you were supposed to be the driver and offer a ride to someone else, it is important that you call the passenger at the latest the night before so that he or she can arrange an alternative mode of transportation for the next day, and possibly wake up earlier than planned for that. A change to the agreed-upon schedule for the ride may also cause the need to cancel the ride if the passenger cannot be flexible with his or her own schedule.

When you discuss the ride before agreeing, it is a good idea to find out how much your ride partner can be flexible with the arrangement if necessary.

How do I pay for a ride?

The service offers rides non-professionally, meaning the driver does not make a profit from them. The service calculates the estimated fuel costs for a one-way trip for each ride announcement (assuming gasoline 7 l/100km). The advertiser can suggest how the costs should be divided, or whether the ride would be free.

Payment can be made in a manner agreed upon between the driver and the passenger. For example, due to the phone numbers, you can use MobilePay if both have it, or traditionally in cash. We recommend that the passenger pay for any fuel costs according to the announcement when getting on the ride. This way, it will not be forgotten and will not be a problem during the ride. If you plan to carpool more regularly and take turns driving, there is no need to transfer money at all. The driver can also indicate in the ride offer whether he wants to direct the payment to a charity.

How is insurance coverage handled?

The service offers rides on a non-professional basis, so the driver does not need the taxi insurance required for professional transportation. Statutory motor vehicle insurance covers possible personal injuries in the event of an accident. You can increase your own car's insurance coverage with comprehensive insurance as normal.

Is the service in line with tax regulations?

The service offers rides non-professionally, meaning the driver does not make a profit from them. The service calculates fuel costs for each ride request, within which the use remains safe. The service does not report users' ride information to the tax authorities.

How do I use the service safely?

The user can specify in the service settings how openly their phone number and/or email address is displayed to other users of the service, or whether it is displayed at all.

You can also use bank authentication in the user information, and such a user stands out as a safer user in ride announcements. The service will also then leave a note about who the real person is if they browse announcements or contact other users. However, it is essential that before deciding on a ride, you can check on the phone whether the other party seems trustworthy.