We provide sustainable consumer services for the residential sector and for employee wellbeing and benefits. These cost efficient services make everyday living and working easier.
Library Of Things
Rental tools & local services for apartment buildings, offices, communities and campuses
Sustainability impacts
Despite the obvious sustainability impacts, rigid regulations were a showstopper in Finland. Based on user requests, the focus then moved to the more concrete and easier to understand concept of sharing goods and assistance within the local community. The road from the early 24/7 sharing facility prototypes in 2014 to the current polished and productized platform in 2018 has involved a lot of hard work by a growing team of passionate professionals as well as networking with stakeholders from all sectors and walks of life.
Limited budget
It is even more impressive that this was achieved with a very limited budget due to the lack of funding in Finland for businesses pursuing sustainability or social impacts.We are now getting close to a solution that we set out to develop all those years ago. Extending from equipment rental into the platform and services ordered through application, people can make their everyday lives not just more sustainable, but also easier.
Our Strengths
Proptech innovations
Market knowledge and networks
We know the issues and real needs in construction, property management and maintenance companies. We have proven with concrete trials and pilots that we can connect them to and deliver added value to their end user customers.
We position our solutions within the overall system including technologies such as blockchain, IoT, logistics and property systems.
Sharing economy services
SW and HW with unique features and combinations
We have been developing operating sharing and circular economy solutions for consumers for 15 yearsand operated them for 10 years, so we have extremely good practical understanding of the field.
We have a good portfolio of SW components that we can utilize in our own or external services.Our unique insights and resulting innovative features differentiate our solutions from the competition.
Sustainability and ESG
Academic expertise and ability to deliver impacts
We separate the concrete efficiencies wheat from the greenwashing chaff in sustainability.with impacts that go beyond just CO2.
We know corporate and public sector roadblocks and innovate ways to navigate them for best outcomes.We have solid research engineer backgrounds and versatile commissioned studies as references.
In our past we did sustainability research and wrote a non-fiction Finlandia award candidate book on energy efficiency. And we are still driven with the goal of leaving the world a better place for our children.
Customers and partners
Our approach to business customers and partners is to find constructive arrangements where each of us can utilize their domain of expertise and assets. All should have an incentive to grow the overall business and thereby their share of the added value.
In order to improve society, we cannot focus on just the well-to-do. We must provide solutions to the everyday lives of regular people. This is challenging when working with real world issues such as transport and consumer goods, but when we have a solution it is ready to scale.
Our Story
While working at the Nokia Research Center during the 2000s, the two founders of CoReorient were wondering why the only solutions proposed to address global sustainability challenges seemed to be tighter regulations or expensive infrastructure by bureaucratic governments doing eventually too little too late.
The founders had followed and participated in the rise of early grass-roots sharing communities, which were organizing with the help of internet forums and then social media. Their vision was that if sharing was made easy enough and fair for everyone in the local community, a massive reduction of CO2 and material footprint could be achieved while also improving their everyday life and social well-being.
What our Customers Say
Contact Us
Vanha talvitie 10 G 00580
Helsinki, Finland